Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Reading Log

Hiking Expert
One day a so called "hiking expert" wanted to lead a complementary hiking trip. The company allowed it so the hikers packed up and set off. The trip was headed to Green Valley Falls and was a 3 mile hike. The hiking expert told the group that the falls had a magnificent view and natural water slide. But as our expert told the group about the falls wondrous things he forgot to tell about the slippery rocks. To his own demise he fell down the 100 ft. falls and died. The man warned the group about bears and snakes but forgot to remind himself of the surroundings around him.

It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a plane?
Private plane was sitting in the runway waiting for a very wealthy man to board it. The man boarded the plane and took off. On its way the plane encountered some turbulence. The pilot said it would take three hours longer to get around safely. The man didn't want to be there that long so he pushed the pilot aside and took the wheel. As the plane went through the clouds it was struck by lightning. The plane went down and crashed right into a couples house. The couple said, "Even though our house is gone the gold the man was carrying will repair any damages.

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