Thursday, April 24, 2008

Reading Log

This is an embarrassing story that happened to me and my friend.

One day I was talking to my friend and we started to mess around. We pushed each other back and forth in a playful manner. My friend tripped backwards and hit his head against a wall. After the incident, the blow to his head left a scratch and a bump on his forehead. The wound on his head was not very big and it healed up the next day.

This is a made up story that I wanted to do.

One day, a 25 year old male and his friend applied to work at a power plant. The job interview was a success! The man was hired to work on turbine maintenance and his friend was put in the control room. In order to celebrate, the man wore his fancy iron ring. As the man was at his post the manger reminded him he had to check the turbine every couple of hours. When the time came to check the turbine the man climbed inside and started to check the machine. When he was checking the magnet, the iron ring was instantly magnetized to the magnet. The man tried to pull his finger out of the ring but the man miscalculated the size of the ring to his own finger. The red alert light went on telling him to get out of the turbine. He phoned his buddy in the control room to stop the machine and call for help. But his friend liked to celebrate a different way, by drinking about six beers. In his drunken state he pressed start and the man in the turbine became a nice conductor for the electric current, frying him to a blackened state. The moral of this story is, even if you like your bling don't wear it to a job with electricity.

(This story is not true in any sort of way but all the facts are pretty straight. But if they aren't, that's because they were written by a 12 year old.)

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