Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Reading Log

The Group

There I was, getting the swirly of a life time... in a bad way. It was Bully Day at our school, which means all the bully's gather up once a month to do their worst. None of the teachers can stop them because they pick on the teachers too. They tie them up or throw stuff at them. If any of them try to call the police, they have a bully room that monitors all the rooms, so if one of them tries to call they disconnect the phone lines from the room. Now you might be thinking, how does a bully get all this technology? Because Sheldon, the schools tech geek, was the one behind this. Sheldon was forced to do all the technology for the bully's, it was the only way to avoid a Texas wedgie. I was okay with Bully Day until that day.

I brought in my shiny rock collection for show and tell. The shiny rock collection was passed down for ages and we would add rocks to it and pass it down to our children. I brought it up to the desk and opened it up when a bully took it away and ran away saying, "Go Bully Day!" Then I realized I brought in my collection on Bully Day. I had it with those bullys and I would do any thing to get that collection back. So there was only one thing to do, get a partner. I needed someone smart and generous and someone that needed my help. There was only one kid, Sheldon.

To Be Continued...

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