Thursday, June 5, 2008

Reading Log

Astronaut Go Boom!

On a fateful mission to re align a satellite. An astronaut died trying to do it here's how it happened. On the spacecraft for the satellite repair crew. One rookie astronaut was sent out for the job. With his new repair experience he wanted to show what he was made of. He got out of the airlock and set out. Unfortunately he forgot to fill most of his air tank. So after five minutes of working, he started to suffocate. Causing him to quickly implode and die.

Sky Kill

On one afternoon, A skydiver was ready to go! He was in his Private plane all suited up and adrenaline pumped. But one thing was amiss, he had never taken skydiving lessons before! With a stupid thought that jumping out of a plane required no experience. As he jumped off and floated down, he forgot one thing, he wasn't in a privet air space. He remembered this as he crashed into a passenger plane and was shredded up by the turbines. None of the passengers were hurt, and the last seen of the skydiver were bits of his clothes floating towards Canada.

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